Furniture | Farlam Airframes Ltd

Aircraft Furniture

Individual pieces of furniture up cycled from aircraft parts and industrial machinery to provide unique works of art and usable furniture


Antonov Pilots Seat

Russian desk chair

Russian Pilots seat from an Antonov 2. Desk Chair

Bell Huey Crew Seat

folding helicopter seat

An original collapsable crew seat from the Huey helicopter

Nord Noratlas Pilots Seat

pilots reclining seat

An original pilots chair from a Nord 2501 Noratlas

Troop Transport Chair

pilots reclining seat

Used in Short Sterlings, Avro York, Handley Page Halifax Vickers Wellington.


Hawker Table

coffee table

Coffee table with Hawker fin base a wooden top

VC-10 Table

VC 10 cabinet

A bespoke coffee table made from Cherry hardwood and two aluminium wing panels from a Vickers VC10 aircraft

RAF Sepecat Jaguar

VC 10 cabinet

Air Intake Side Table /TV Stand with glass top

Engineers Table

VC 10 cabinet

Side table made glass plate in oak

Cheetah Engine

VC 10 cabinet

Casting Industrial design coffee table with glass top and Sphinx mascot ornament

Industrial coffee table

VC 10 cabinet

Bronze propeller coffee table with glass top.

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